Coaching and Mentoring

Non-urgent advice: Coaching

Coaching is one of the key approaches through which leadership within organisations can be developed. Coaching is a method of developing an individual’s capabilities in order to facilitate the achievement of organisational success. This one to one focused and bespoke relationship is often perceived as the single most effective development intervention that a senior leader in the NHS can access. 

Non-urgent advice: Mentoring

Mentoring is a developmental relationship in which one person (the Mentor) – usually someone more knowledgeable (though ‘peer’ mentoring can be as successful) helps another (the Mentee) to discover more about themselves, and develop their potential capability. 

This is achieved through a professional friendship designed to support career progression, widen an individual’s networks, develop leadership capability and improve performance. 

These improvements can lead to increased job satisfaction, while they also help to support the link between an individual’s role and their impact on patient care, benefiting the organisation and the NHS as a whole. 

Mentors may use coaching skills in their conversations, but usually the mentor role is wider than that of a coach and may include opening doors, making connections and sharing experiences.  

The relationship is often long term with a long term development focus, unlike coaching which is primarily focused on assisting people with their current performance or immediate potential.

Non-urgent advice: Supervision & CPD

We are committed to the quality and standards of our coaches and mentors. 

All Coaches and Mentors must demonstrate regular CPD and Supervision to remain on the NHS Leadership Coaching and Mentoring register. 

Coach Supervision supports the supervisee’s reflective practice and ongoing learning and development to help maintain and raise quality standards across the profession. 

Coach Supervision provides a place to review and uncover potential ethical issues and therefore ensure the supervisee’s clients are well supported and served. It also provides a safe and confidential space for the supervisee to explore their coaching and to uncover any unconscious behaviours or biases.