We commission, design and deliver tailored development interventions for your Integrated Care Systems’ board, partnership and senior governance structures and for health and care collaborative initiatives and alliances. Click below to find out how to access these offers:
Tailored development of ICS board, partnership and senior governance structures
The Regional Leadership Academy provides support for board and senior teams across the region. The offer is open to all levels of ICS subsidiarity: ICB, place partnerships, provider collaboratives, primary care networks and neighbourhoods. We use a co-production approach to reflect local need drawing on the most appropriate methodologies for the situation in order to deliver
• Progression in system maturity
• Improved quality of leadership
• Implementation of the NHS Our Leadership Way in the establishment of ICBs
The support is fully tailored, but an average programme could include 3 full days group workshops, individual development or profiling and the development of a behaviours framework or other meaningful output. Download the board development e-book for further information.
Chairpersons, board secretaries or senior officers should make enquiries or requests to [email protected]
Tailored development for health and care collaborations.
We can offer a tailored package of development embedded within an existing health and care challenge or transformation agenda. This support could include any combination of facilitation, engagement activities, skills and knowledge building, system mapping and analysis tools and producing meaningful output.
This offer is open to initiatives operating over a System, Place or Neighbourhood geography. We are particularly interested in supporting initiatives with an aim to widen their collective leadership and work in partnership with citizens or the wider workforce.
Senior Responsible Officers or Programme Leads should make enquiries or requests to [email protected]
We have specific tailored support available for Primary Care Networks and neighbourhood healthcare teams. Please direct enquiries or requests to [email protected]