Many of the Academy’s interventions, such as leadership development, talent management, coaching, improvement and more, are encircled by OD, and the majority of internal development capacity available to NHS organisations includes people whose role encompasses OD practice.
The Academy supports OD practitioners across the region and hosts the North East OD Network (NEON) where members arrange events to share best practice. NEON encourages individuals involved with OD from across the region to connect, share resources and good practice. It also ensures the north east is represented and information shared. The network is facilitated by Dr. Maxine Craig, an NHS Leadership Academy North East Associate and board member of ODN Europe.
The network arranges a broad programme of events including workshops and masterclasses for OD professionals to develop their skills. These events are publicised on the Academy’s website, under Events.
Academy team members, OD associates and a wide network of contacts are also available to undertake bespoke OD interventions at the request of sponsoring organisations. This ranges from diagnostics, team development, providing additional capacity/capability, and an external perspective for organisational change projects.
For information and to book a place on our programmes and events for Organisational Development Practitioners please visit our Events page.
Please contact us to find out more.
Download the OD Toolkit created by the NHS North West Leadership Academy.