July 2024 News Bulletin

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Please see our latest news and events below:

The Managers Toolbox:  Strategies for People, Processes & Problem Solving

We are excited to bring a new range of development sessions targeted at existing health and care managers.

The first three sessions are now available to book; additional sessions will be added which will explore aspects of project management, effective delegation and time management. This is not a rigidly structured programme; and the sessions can be accessed in any order.

These are open to all line managers working at any banding, or in any organisation type across the North East & Yorkshire region. The intended audience is those who are established as a manager (around 12 months working at this level as a minimum), and looking for ways to increase their skill set and impact.

The Managers Toolbox will also have a dedicated page on the website. Available sessions will be listed in the upcoming events section below or within our events page on our website, along with a regularly changing range of resources to support learning and development

Mentoring Awareness

Could you be a Mentor?

Mentoring is a defined relationship within which the mentor provides guidance, advice or assistance to the mentee; a mentor is often described as a Wise Owl. You may not recognise yourself as a mentor, but each time you support a colleague through a challenge, are a trusted ear to explore ideas, or offer guidance and support to another person you are acting as an informal mentor.

Acting as a mentor enables you to offer help and guidance, but there is no expectation to fix anything or have all the answers. You may help your mentee to identify helpful doors to open along their own journey of development, but ultimately it is their choice as to which (if any) they open, and how they engage (or not) with what they discover.

Being a great mentee requires being open to feedback and challenge; being an effective mentor requires offering supportive challenge. A mentoring relationship can increase engagement and support wellbeing as result, but it is not a therapy session or a ranting session (for either party)

A mentoring relationship has 3 key elements

  • A challenge which the mentee is seeking to overcome
  • The mentor has something the mentee is seeking (knowledge, skills, lived experience etc.)
  • A sense of mutual respect and compassion

If you would welcome an opportunity to consider mentoring in a little more detail, please join us for the Exploring Mentoring workshop on October 14 2024.

If you are an existing mentor, you may wish to join a skills masterclass. These are structured as two half day sessions, but both must be accessed. Please note that the 2024 dates are fully booked, but a waiting list is enabled for.

If you recognise your potential and a desire to act as a mentor please consider registering with the regional hub. On joining you will be given access to a range of learning resources to support you with your development. If you recognise a need for your own development by accessing a mentor please use the same link, but select “Register as a Mentee”.

Upcoming Events

27 September: Coaches Café (Supportive Challenge)

The Golden Thread for this café is: Supportive Challenge : How do we support a change in actions or behaviours, without pushing ethical boundaries ?

7 October: The Managers Toolbox – The Employee Lifecycle

The Managers Toolbox offers a series of sessions with the aim of strengthening and developing skills and awareness around managing people, processes and problem solving.

The Employee Lifecycle will explore what is meant by the employee lifecycle, consider the differences in stages and the correlation between engagement, wellbeing and performance. (This session is repeated on the 5 February 2025)

14 October: Exploring Mentoring

Mentoring is defined a formal relationship with the aim of supporting the development and/or goals of the other person (the mentee). The mentee will be able to identify a way that the mentor could help, by sharing past learning or experiences, offer guidance, or making links across work networks etc

Join us to explore
• The qualities of a great mentor
• The building blocks of a mentor relationship
• How to register as a mentor

15 October: The Managers Toolbox – No More Talking Shops

The Managers Toolbox offers a series of sessions with the aim of strengthening and developing skills and awareness around managing people, processes and problem solving.

No More Talking Shops will explore the structure of effective meetings, and the role of the Chair in setting objectives, managing participation and creating an outcome focussed approach. The session will also offer an opportunity to consider challenging dynamics, and techniques to help understanding and responses to conflict. (This session is repeated on the 21 January 2025)

28 October: Coaches Café (Transformational change)

The Golden Thread for this café is:Transformational change : Enabling change through action beyond the coaching dynamic. Engaging with change “If the change does not happen in the coaching session, it is unlikely to happen back at work”

6 November: Manager as Coach – Giving and Receiving Feedback

Manager as Coach (MAC) is a leadership programme consisting of 3 linked workshops. These can be accessed as a complete series, or in isolation, depending on your own learning needs.

This session will explore the building blocks of a feedback conversation

• Structuring feedback to others
• Receiving feedback effectively

(This session is repeated on the 13 February 2025)

12 November: Managers Toolbox – Collaborative Problem Solving

The Managers Toolbox offers a series of sessions with the aim of strengthening and developing skills and awareness around managing people, processes and problem solving.

Collaborative Problem Solving will explore the differing definitions of problems (wicked, complex and simple), and consider approaches for effective enabling/facilitating of a group to develop ownership of actions and solutions.

(This session is repeated on the 4 March 2025)

11 December: Supervision Café

The Supervision Café offers accredited coaches an opportunity to engage in group supervision. In this setting, coaches can collectively address current challenges in their practice. 

22 January: Manager as Coach – Everyday Coaching Conversations

Manager as Coach (MAC) is a leadership programme consisting of 3 linked workshops. These can be accessed as a complete series, or in isolation, depending on your own learning needs.

Join us to gain insight and skills in the key leadership skill of how to start, hold and complete a transformational conversation. Many managers find it difficult to step away from solution giving responses.

Developing this leadership skill can support you in empowering and engaging your teams though relationships grounded in trust. If you recognise the need to have impactful, quality conversations in the workplace, this workshop could be for you.

10 March: Manager as Coach – Teams and Teaming in Turbulent Times

Manager as Coach (MAC) is a leadership programme consisting of 3 linked workshops. These can be accessed as a complete series, or in isolation, depending on your own learning needs.

Most managers have found themselves leading a team through periods of change and uncertainty; it can be challenging feeling that as the manager you are the person with all the answers. Creating a sense of shared endeavor is essential, but can be difficult to achieve.

Please contact us for information about any of our development opportunities or to learn more about how we can help with your leadership development: [email protected]