February 2025 News Bulletin

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Please see our latest news and events below:

Career Empowerment for Women Programme

This Programme is aimed at women wishing to take the next steps in their career, towards leadership. It aims to address under-representation of women in leadership roles across our region. The programme will help build your personal impact, recognise your authentic leadership style, manage your imposter moments and enable you to feel clearer and more confident about your career. It will help you reflect and share experiences with other women and, crucially, set achievable goals for now and the future.

What are the benefits of this programme?

  • Define clear goals and enhance their career prospects
  • Take control of their own self development
  • Increase confidence and self esteem
  • Improve networking prospects
  • Communicate more effectively
  • Be more assertive and able to manage imposter moments
  • Be more confident in their authentic leadership style

You can find out more about this programme and how to apply by visiting our news page

Senior Leader Apprenticeship – Level 7 with Rosalind Franklin Programme

We are happy to share information about an upcoming opportunity to access the Level 7 Senior Leadership Apprenticeship. This is being run in partnership between the national NHS Leadership Academy and Cranfield University, and will start in May 2025.

Detailed information about the programme content, time commitments and entry requirements can be found in the flyer attached. Please be aware that this opportunity is not delivered by NEYLA; any queries should be directed to Alex Bailey at [email protected]  or Adil Hafidi [email protected]

There are also webinar session open to any individuals or organisational Apprenticeship Teams with questions about this offer. Places can be booked for either of these dates using the link below

Webinar: Senior Leader Apprenticeship Level 7(In partnership with the NHS Leadership Academy and Grant Thornton)

Key Dates:

  • 25th February 2025
  • 3rd March 2025

Becoming a Mentor Programme Cohort 4 – Application Closing 9th March 2025

We are excited to announce that applications are now open for our ‘Becoming a Mentor’ programme.

This programme will offer a non-accredited route to developing enhanced skills within mentoring. Participants will be required to identify a mentee to work with throughout the programme to enable the transfer of theory to lived experience.

Features and benefits to participants

The opportunity to work with colleagues from across organisations to share learning
The opportunity to gain key skills around the use of mentoring to support staff development
Increased awareness and understanding of the impact of active listening and impactful questions
Increased awareness of inter-personal responses and impact upon others

Cohort 4 Workshop Dates

Workshop 1 – 30.04.25
Workshop 2 – 21.05.25
Workshop 3 – 18.06.25

Please visit our website for more information and how to apply

Upcoming Events

Winter Health and Wellbeing Support Package:

The NHS Staff survey has identified that our staff are experiencing fatigue and burn out. Adding in the extra pressures of winter and all its demands; how can people in leadership positions support themselves and their staff ?

This series of standalone lunchtime workshops will assist you with your winter pressures by giving you time and space to think about your position, your team and how you can introduce some practical tools to promote wellbeing.

Winter Support: Health and Wellbeing Cafés

Join us for the Wellbeing Cafe to explore simple, practical strategies to use day to day to contribute to your own well being and to share with your team. Try out some tools with others, and consider how you can add some self care into your daily routine.

Stress Awareness: Self-Care and Building Personal Resilience 

In this workshop we will explore how you can create a simple self-care plan to promote your own self compassion: you will leave the workshop with:

  • Practical tools that you can sprinkle into your day from waking up to going to sleep.
  • A personal action plan you can commit to, improving your own wellbeing which will enhance your work.

Coaching Clients With Imposter Syndrome

Sessions are for internal accredited coaches offering a framework to help support clients and coaches when working within complex organisational contexts and high levels of change and uncertainty.

Manager as Coach

Manager as Coach (MAC) is a leadership programme consisting of 3 linked workshops. These can be accessed as a complete series, or in isolation, depending on your own learning needs. The aim of MAC is to support development of a coaching approach when working with individuals, or with the whole team. The programme is aimed at managers at all levels and roles, and those aspiring to their first management role.

Manager as Coach Giving and Receiving Feedback

Managers Toolbox: Self Management

The Managers Toolbox offers a series of sessions with the aim of strengthening and developing skills and awareness around managing people, processes and problem solving. These workshops are open to staff holding a line management role, which has opportunities for cross boundary working.

Manager as Coach – Teams and Teaming in Turbulent Times

Manager as Coach – Everyday Coaching Conversations

Team Working in Times of Change

Our region has and is still facing a number of changes across the organisations, team development after change is essential for fostering resilient, cohesive and high performing work force that can navigate new challenges. We have designed mini series of workshops that will support you through change

Along side the mini series workshops we are also offering group coaching for colleagues who have joined a new team – application is required and (you must be able to commit to all three dates advertised in Teams in Change to be considered for group coaching.)

Exploring Organisational Culture Series:

Organisational culture can be defined as the values, beliefs, attitudes, systems, and rules that boundary and influence behaviours and responses within an organization. The culture reflects how staff, customers and stakeholders experience an organisation and the services offered. 

The NHS People Promise establishes the vision of how the NHS can feel for all of its staff, and making this a reality requires equal focus on “how are we doing doing” and “what are we doing”.  

“We want our culture to be positive, compassionate, and inclusive – and we all have our part to play” NHS People Promise 

Nursing & Midwifery Career Development Workshops

These workshops are offered to support Band 5/6 nurses and midwives working across the region.

This workshop will focus on exploring your personal career journey, preparing for interview and feeling able to bring your “best self”. Join us for an opportunity to connect with peers from across the region

Creative Models to GROW Clients and Coaches

Sessions are for internal accredited coaches offering a framework to help support coaches use of models like GROW and other creative ways to explore challenges and successes.

Coaching Clients During Change and Uncertainty

Sessions are for internal coaches offering a framework to help support clients and coaches when working within complex organisational contexts and high levels of change and uncertainty.