Winter Health and Wellbeing Support: Burn out and Fatigue
Exploring some of the factors that contribute to Burn out and Fatigue, how can we provide proactive leadership for our teams ?
The NHS Staff survey has identified that our staff are experiencing fatigue and burn out. Adding in the extra pressures of winter and all its demands; how can people in leadership positions support themselves and their staff ?
This series of standalone lunchtime workshops will assist you with your winter pressures by giving you time and space to think about your position, your team and how you can introduce some practical tools to promote wellbeing.
Tools such as :
- The Needs wheel, keeping your wheel fully inflated, Personal energy audit, how to avoid winter thinking traps
• Top tips to nurture yourself, so you have more energy
• Top tips to nurture your team, so they have more energy
• Discover the power of the winter pause
• Create a personal action plan to help transfer the learning back into your workforce.
Burn out and Fatigue
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