January 2025 News Bulletin

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Please see our latest news and events below:

Wishing you a happy and healthy new year from all at the North East and Yorkshire Leadership Academy

Leading and Managing in the Multigenerational Workspace Programme

For the first time in history, many teams have 5 generations in their workforce. This brand-new programme is designed to consider the benefits and challenges for managers and leaders of multi-generational teams.

Working with many different expectations, perspectives and preferences means that leaders need to be equipped with the abilities to attract, recruit, inspire, influence and retain people of all ages working in different workspaces with different preferences.

The programme will be a suite of 3 half-day focused sessions with complementary content. For more information and to apply, please visit our news page: Leading and Managing in the Multigenerational Workspace Programme – Cohort 3

Introduction to Leadership and Management

This Introduction to Leadership and Management Programme provides a comprehensive development package, enabling participants to build confidence and leadership capability in the workplace.

This interactive programme combines theory and practice, applying a range of tools and techniques, in a peer learning environment Assimilating knowledge and skills into everyday working practice is central to the programme’s approach

This programme is aimed at aspiring managers or managers in their first year of experience, wanting to build their leadership capability. Participants can be from clinical and non-clinical backgrounds and across pay bands.

Please visit our website for more information and how to apply

Winter Health and Wellbeing Support 

Supporting the wellbeing of our region is vital and ensures our staff members are well equipped to deliver the best patient care at any time, especially during the upcoming winter season when our colleagues will encounter a number of pressures and challenges. 

The NHS Staff survey has identified that our staff are experiencing fatigue and burn out and adding in the extra pressures of winter, it’s important that leaders can support themselves and their staff to maintain their health and wellbeing.

To help you to do this we are delivering a range of winter health and wellbeing support which includes topics, models and tools such as:

How to create a personal action plan to help transfer the learning back into your workforce.

The needs wheel and how to keep your wheel fully inflated

A personal energy audit and how to avoid winter thinking traps

Top tips to nurture yourself so you have more energy

Top tips to nurture your team so they have more energy

The power of the winter pause

Please visit our events page on our website or view our upcoming events below to book your place.

Don’t be a DNA!

DNAs (did not attend) aren’t just an issue for GP surgeries and outpatient clinics.  At NEYLA we aim to offer a wide variety of development opportunities to as many staff as possible, and like all NHS services we are feeling the impact of budget restrictions.

You can help us to increase our impact by letting us know when plans have changed. So far in this financial year, there have been over 900 individual DNA’s which has resulted in the loss of workshop and programme places worth £1000’s in public money that could have been offered to those on our waiting list.

We understand that DNAs are sometimes unavoidable due to increasing pressure on services and staffing levels. However, as our events and programmes are often over-subscribed, please let us know at your earliest convenience if you are unable to attend a session. This will allow us to allocate this place to the waiting list to maximise attendance and ensure effective use of NHS funds.

Upcoming Events

Winter Health and Wellbeing Support Package:

The NHS Staff survey has identified that our staff are experiencing fatigue and burn out. Adding in the extra pressures of winter and all its demands; how can people in leadership positions support themselves and their staff ?

This series of standalone lunchtime workshops will assist you with your winter pressures by giving you time and space to think about your position, your team and how you can introduce some practical tools to promote wellbeing.

Winter Support: Health and Wellbeing Cafés

This series of standalone  90-minute virtual café where you can come and spend time with other healthcare professionals to explore:

  • Time to think about wellbeing and what it means to you this winter
  • Share experiences & concerns
  • Information and resource sharing
  • A menu of top tips to share with your colleagues
  • Opportunities to practice in break out rooms how you will transfer new tools into your work
  • Time to create a personal action plan to take away and use for yourself and your colleagues

Team Working in Times of Change

Our region has and is still facing a number of changes across the organisations, team development after change is essential for fostering resilient, cohesive and high performing work force that can navigate new challenges. We have designed mini series of workshops that will support you through change

Along side the mini series workshops we are also offering group coaching for colleagues who have joined a new team – application is required and you must be able to commit to all three dates advertised in Teams in Change:

Psychological Safety: A Non-Negotiable for a Healthcare Organisation

Join us to consider your leadership and management responses can positively impact your own work area by exploring psychological safety, optimal culture and how can we build it in our teams

Nursing & Midwifery Career Development Workshops

These workshops are offered to support Band 5/6 nurses and midwives working across the region.

This workshop will focus on exploring your personal career journey, preparing for interview and feeling able to bring your “best self”. Join us for an opportunity to connect with peers from across the region

Healthcare Leadership Model (HLM) 360 Refresher

All accredited HLM facilitators must complete 2 feedback sessions per year to maintain their registration. If you feel the need to refresh your use of the reports, this session is for you. This participative session will provide trained HLM facilitators with the opportunity to re-visit the HLM 360 report and to explore the impact of feedback

Healthcare Leadership Model (HLM) 360 CPD: Solutions Focused Feedback

This session will focus on exploring the use of tools and techniques to enable supportive challenge during a 360 feedback; these skills would also be applicable to those who support staff with annual appraisal or other performance focused conversations.

Managers Toolbox: Self Management

The Managers Toolbox offers a series of sessions with the aim of strengthening and developing skills and awareness around managing people, processes and problem solving. These workshops are open to staff holding a line management role, which has opportunities for cross boundary working.

Managers Toolbox: The Accidental Project Manager

This workshop will give an opportunity to explore the essential skills for those leading projects as part of their wider job role.